Saturday, July 7, 2007

To Presidential Would-Bes

A Disrespectful Memo To Presidential Aspirants:

A co-blogger friend of mine posted this at my blog at Townhall. This WILL be a classic!

It is entitled as such because our politicians deserve NO respect. Respect is EARNED and NOT freely given.

A Disrespectful Memo To Presidential Aspirants:

Monday, June 11, 2007 3:44 AM

  • If we wanted a Democrat, we’d vote for Hillary. Sit down & shut up.
  • If we wanted Democrat Lite, we’d vote for Barak. Sit down & shut up.
  • If we wanted surrender to Islam in Iraq, we’d vote for John. Sit down & shut up.
  • If we wanted socialized medicine, we’d vote for Hillary. Sit down & shut up.
  • If we wanted our economy ruined by moronic “global warming” remedies, we’d vote for Al. Sit down & shut up.
  • If we wanted a tax increase, we’d vote for Hillary. Sit down & shut up.
  • If we wanted an open border, unlimited sneak ins & amnesty for illegal aliens, we’d vote for Ted. Sit down & shut up.
  • If we wanted racism, we’d vote for Barak. Sit down & shut up.
  • If we wanted disarmament & vulnerability, we’d have voted for McGovern. Sit down & shut up.
  • If we wanted four more years of G.W.B., we’d repeal the 22nd. Amendment. Sit down & shut up.

If you want our votes, then:

  • Don’t lie to us about anything, especially the enemy; there is no such thing as ‘radical’ Islam.
  • And that damn thing is an amnesty bill, we won’t accept it, not now, not next month; not ever. ‘Rass it!!!
  • Don’t pitch any new entitlement programs.
  • Don’t pitch expansion of existing entitlement programs.
  • Don’t pitch tax increases.
  • Don’t pitch appeasing Islam or other enemies.
  • Echo the principles enunciated by Senator Barry M. Goldwater & President Ronald Reagan.
  • Be sincere about it.

[Placed in the public domain; reproduce & distribute at will for non-commercial purposes.]


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