Sunday, July 1, 2007


The Leftinistra
The Leftinistra
Saturday, March 03, 2007 2:38 AM

Good LORD!!!

Ya wanna good laugh? Well, maybe not a laugh as in funny, HA, HA, or anything like that. The Leftinistra, the ZEROS of our universe, are running scared in the blogosphere and it is quite comical…sad but comical. Check out the blog over at the blog site and see for yourself.

The implosions are “Rather” apparent. We have them on the run yet blame others for their failings. Sound familiar?

We can always tell over there when they have checked in with their traainers and/or case workers, whichever the “case” may be. Sometimes, we the Good Guys,email back and forth and have a hoot at their expense.

These Leftinistra are just too lost. Their mental states are questionable and their hatred is very much evident. They repeat the same old lines that have been proven wrong over and over and over again. They fit the definition of insanity to a T. Amazing.

Simply amazing.

Y’all check it out and get back with me on that. I gotta go pee. LOL!!

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