Sunday, July 1, 2007


My main blog is HERE at Take Our Country Back. Just in case some jihadi troll blogger or some lame duck asswiper Leftinistra troll moron or a Yellow Streaker (formerly code pinko trolls) or some pelosi-murtha-reid-clinton (either one) lap licker starts some shit over at Townhall, I will be importing all posts from Townhall to here as a backup. I will also post here first and then export to my main site.

A little about me. When I bleed, I bleed khaki. I completely believe and KNOW that we are in a religious war with the Islamofascists. Islamism is no more a religion of peace than I am a two-faced liberal bleeding heart commie pinko fag moron democrat. Islamism needs to be eviscerated from the planet as the scourge that it is. Don’t believe me? Well, you need to study up on the subject more and you can begin by going here and read the posts under the title Studies In Islam (Jihadism).

Happy Hunting.

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