Saturday, July 7, 2007

On Stopping Hillary

Stop Her Now Dot Com Is On The Move

Stop Her Now

The Washington Times

Inside Politics

By Jennifer Harper
Published June 15, 2007

Folks in Texas have a few notions about welcoming Sen. Hillary Rodham Clinton on her campaign stop there today.

Dick Collins, founder of the Dallas-based anti-Hillary “educational” group Stop Her Now, will fly a giant aerial banner over downtown Dallas this afternoon. The New York Democrat’s plane is due to stop and refuel sometime during that period.

“We want to make sure Senator Clinton receives a proper Texas welcome,” Mr. Collins said. “Our mission is to follow Hillary across the country, exposing her liberal ideology. Senator Clinton makes this easy when she drops into our back yard.”

The banner is rumored to say something along the lines of “rescue America from the radical ideas of Hillary.” The group has a substantial Web site, a blog, MySpace and Facebook pages and its own YouTube channel.

“Our Facebook group boasts more members than Senator Mike Gravel, Senator Chris Dodd, Senator Sam Brownback, Governor Mike Huckabee, Representative Tom Tancredo, and Representative Duncan Hunter. We have become the most interactive presidential education Web site on the Internet,” Mr. Collins said.

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