Saturday, July 7, 2007

Price Controls?

Urgent: Price Controls!!!

Urgent: Price Controls!!!

Wednesday, June 06, 2007 3:59 PM

You know this author as a Crusader against Islam, but I am borrowing the bully pulpit to call you to action against domestic AssIdiocy of the worst sort: price controls on petroleum. If you want higher prices and shortages of gasoline, natural gas, propane, fuel oil, electricity and every product that uses petroleum as a feed stock or is transported by truck, sit quietly and do nothing.

If you want to see millions lose their jobs and businesses, sit quietly and do nothing. If you want the stock market nosedive, casting your pension plan and personal investments into the dumpster, sit quietly and do nothing.

If you do not want to see those things happen; if you want to keep your job or business, if you want to get to work and the grocery store without walking, if you want to keep your home warm and well lighted then rise up and raise Hell right now!!!

Go immediately to United for Jobs and send an email to your Representative & Senators. They have a form letter ready to send. You need only fill in a simple form and click a button. I edited my letter before sending it. Since my congressman is the AssIdiot who introduced the price control bill, I edited the letter to express my contempt by adding the following.

My Bachelors is in Political Science, my minor is Economics, but I got my Masters in the School Of Hard Knocks, administered by Crafty Richard.

Price controls on propane put me out of business. I lost everything. A life time of un and under employment followed. I have nothing but curses, execrations and the most profound profanity for any and every Gd’d AssIdiot who supports wage/price control legislation of any kind!

No printable words can express the depth, breadth and intensity of my contempt for this proposal all who fail to curse and condemn it!

I hope and pray that my fellow voters will observe and remember the source of their suffering and cast your party out onto the dung heap of history!!!

Yes, that is strong and disrespectful language to send to a Congressman & Senators. Unfortunately, it expresses reality as well as I can express it. Burke said it best: “All that is necessary for the triumph of evil is that good men do nothing.” Don’t let evil triumph. Click the link above and send that email now!!!


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