Saturday, July 7, 2007

"We The People" Are What?

The Illegal Immigration Travesty

The Illegal Immigration Travesty

Wednesday, June 06, 2007 6:47 PM

Immigration Deal Survives GOP Threat

A bipartisan immigration bill narrowly survived a potentially fatal challenge when the Senate defeated a Republican bid to bar felons from legalization. Instead, it adopted an amendment that would keep out a more limited set of criminals. More…

Senator Jon Kyl on drugs:

According to the Washington Post: “Senator Jon Kyl (R-AZ) who led negotiations on the [amnesty] bill for his party said the flood of angry calls and protests that greeted the deal two weeks ago has since receded…”

What???? Now wait just a minute… Exactly where is Senator Kyl getting his information?

Obviously not from you, because according to the Associated Press, during the 10-day legislative recess last week Senator Kyl “scheduled no public appearances” back in Arizona. Instead, he spent the majority of his time last week “huddling with party officials in Phoenix.”

In fact, contrary to Kyl’s public statement in the Post; the Associated Press is reporting that, the Arizona Republican Party is being bombarded with angry calls:

“Brett Mecum, spokesman for the Arizona Republican Party, says that from May 21 through May 25 his office received 1,600 calls from Republicans threatening to tear up their membership cards and join other parties. In 12 years in the business, says Mr. Mecum, he’s ‘never seen people try to walk away from the party, this irate over one single issue, as last week here.’ That volume of calls led Randy Pullen, chairman of the Arizona Republican Party, to call a press conference to say that the Arizona GOP opposes the proposed law.”

In the same Associated Press report, Matt Towery, the CEO of Insider Advantage, a nonpartisan polling firm in Atlanta adds:

“Our research shows that [Kyl and Graham] are delusional if they think that the Republican base, the conservative base, is happy with that bill… I think they’re trying to talk themselves into believing that, but it’s not working.[Emphasis Mine]

And in the past two weeks, readers together with CFIF activists sent more than 200,000 Blast Faxes to our elected leaders in Washington — and that includes Senator Kyl.

Those faxes are having a tremendous effect. In the past two weeks, a number of senators — such as Senators John Cornyn, Kay Bailey-Hutchison, Saxby Chambliss and Johnny Isakson, to just name a few — who were supporting amnesty are now sitting on the fence or have come over to your side.

That progress wouldn’t be possible if, in Senator Kyl’s words, “the flood of angry calls and protests that greeted the deal two weeks ago has since receded…”

Truth be told, pro-amnesty forces in the Senate know full well that their coalition is unraveling.

And they would simply love for you to SIT DOWN AND SHUT UP… they would simply love for you — and their colleagues — to believe that your opposition to amnesty is wavering and they would love for you to give up the fight!

That’s why you’re seeing press reports claiming that opposition to amnesty is wavering. After all, if you read it in the papers… it must be true!

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