Monday, August 27, 2007


Major HT to Michelle Malkin!!!

This is flat out retarded!

Click the links and read the crap.

I was going to expound but I will merely copy my comment at Michelle's blog:

On August 27th, 2007 at 6:27 pm, Snooper said:

“…Does the United States Government have the right to conduct secret surveillance of terrorism suspects on American soil? …”

Naturally, no. We should just let them come and go as they please and after they blow up a few things and kill a bunch of people, again, we should ask them nicely what we can do to placate them and see just how far we should bend over all in the name of PC.

Deport them all at the end of a bayonet.

I still have mine and it is quite sharp.

This DAV is way passed Sick and Tired of this PC garbage.

There is no such thing as a moderate Muslim.

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