Monday, August 27, 2007

EAGLES UP!! Moonbats Threaten Move America Forward-GOE Caravan

I am a Texican and I have real good rope for such an event as this...





Moonbats Threaten Move America Forward-GOE Caravan By Kit Lange

Eagles! Don’t let these people interfere with Melanie and her Move America Forward caravan!

It has come to our attention that our good friends at Move America Forward are being targeted by the anti-American left. It is not enough that these ultra-liberal forces think it fine to disparage our men and women in uniform. They are now targeting our supporters as they make their way to stand with us in Washington, DC, on 15 September.

They have threatened Melanie Morgan personally and have used the vilest language to harass our friends. Obviously, they have underestimated our resolve and the resolve of our friends in Move America Forward. This is their last-ditch attempt to derail the
counter-protest we have in store for A.N.S.W.E.R.

Turn out in force to welcome Move America Forward as they make their way across the country. These people must be reminded that the silent majority is silent no more!

Silent No More is The Battle Cry!!

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