Thursday, August 16, 2007

The American People Are On To The Defeatist Clans

IBD Editorials: Good News for America...bad news for the defeatists and haters of America.

IBD/TIPP Presidential Leadership Index: August 2007

Posted Monday, August 13, 2007 4:30 PM PT

President Bush's rating among Americans continued to regain lost ground in August, new data from the IBD/TIPP Poll show. Bush's ratings began to tank in May, and hit a low of 34.7 in June. Since then, they've steadily crept back. In August, they jumped 6.2% to 37.9, the highest level since May. What's surprising is that he's gained ground among all three major political affiliations in the U.S. Bush's firming leadership numbers may be due to signs of success with the surge strategy used in Iraq.

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