Thursday, August 16, 2007

Rove v Czarina

An excellent strategy, this "resignation" by Mr Rove and GOOD on him! The LEFT hates the man because he is SO much better than they are in rallying the populace. He is now in a position to trounce and pounce at will! No longer is he ham-stringed by any administration. This is going to better than I thought!!

Rove Steps Up His Attacks on Clinton’s Candidacy
Karl Rove intensified his attack on Senator Hillary Rodham Clinton yesterday, saying she lacked the vision to be president while saying she was “so weak” on national security and support for the armed forces.

Mr. Rove, President Bush’s political adviser, has been criticizing Mrs. Clinton since Monday, when he announced his intention to resign from the White House and coupled it with candid analysis, notably, calling Mrs. Clinton a “fatally flawed” presidential candidate.

Mrs. Clinton, of New York, and her advisers have denounced the attacks while privately welcoming them, hopeful that Mr. Rove, a bĂȘte noire to Democrats, will spur liberal skeptics of Mrs. Clinton to rally to her.

Not hardly. This attitude is indicative of the mouse flashing the hawk the middle finger in its last act of defiance as the mouse is about to be "taken". The hawk still wins. Click the link above and read the rest.Rove v Clinton

Just two days after announcing he would be stepping down as a top adviser to President Bush, Karl Rove is ramping up his attacks on Democrats and, in particular, one of the party’s leading presidential contenders, Senator Hillary Rodham Clinton.

In a radio interview with Rush Limbaugh today, Mr. Rove repeated his characterization of Mrs.

Clinton as a “fatally flawed” candidate, and lashed out at her for saying in her new television ad that Mr. Bush treated some Americans as “invisible.”

Mr. Rove said that Mrs. Clinton’s criticism of the president showed “a lack of vision” on her part.

“The fallback position in politics is, if you don’t know what you want to be about, and if you don’t know what your vision is, go at somebody else,” Mr. Rove said in the interview.

He also called her record on health cares issues “spotty and poor,” asserted that she has been “less than supportive” of American troops and took aim at her positions on a variety of anti-terrorism measures the administration supports.

The rules and the playbook just changed for the better folks.


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