Friday, August 17, 2007

And The KOSmonoffs Hallucinate

I was skimming through the KOSmonoff Manifesto this morning and ran across this little absurd and fatally flawed discourse. This particular moonbat from one of the Fruit Loop Brigades spoke too soon seeing that the KOSmonoff Reunion of recent weeks self-imploded into a quagmire of whining, wailing and gnashing of teeth. Quite komical actually.

The piece was inspired by yet another member of a different Fruit Loop Brigade here.

These idiots just don't get it yet but they will. Come via elections or by another American Civil War, they will get it. I, Snooper, have been saying this for years...we have not been this politically split since 1861 and we all know how that worked out, right? I can smell a repeat performance brewing on the horizon. Naturally, their side will lose again and the blood bath which ensues will be deeper. They never learn.

Go ahead and dream on, GOMER, aka Jake Williams. Your antics and opines are komical.

This is what has them all atwitter in their self-loathing hatred of all which disagrees with them:
What this proves is that which I, Snooper has also been saying for years. The Democratic Party is sliding downhill into obscurity with their socialist/communist tendencies and nature and the majority of Americans will NOT tolerate the displacement of our Constitution with a known failed system called Socialism and/or Communism. It will NOT take hold here. It may take a blood bath such as the world has never seen but the end result WILL be many dead moonbats...more of them than us.

In recent days, we have seen the generals of the democratic party whining in rebellion of the good news resulting from the successes of the surge. They have banked on and invested themselves in the hopes of another American failure (Vietnam) in Iraq and have seen for themselves how truly unwise that choice and that rhetoric has turned out to be.

Thank God that Karl Rove has begun the destruction of the Chief Communist in Socialist Garb, the one and only, Czarina...Hillary Rodham "Hide The Documents" Clinton.

Actually, this is too good. And I haven't even had my first full cup of coffee yet. This small teaser should give us Reagan Conservatives a good belly laugh:
The McClatchy article is so loaded with good news, I can't resist more tease:
That was almost too funny. This particular KOSmonoff sycophant rambles on:

The neo-conservative era is ending. Does that sound sweet or what? :)

Finally, your patience and tenacity are paying off, so keeping blowing that horn:

LOL! What a hoot. I wonder what the troll was smoking.

The GOP may not have decent runners up and running yet but what they have sure does outweigh what the moonbats are hoping for on their side.

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