Friday, August 17, 2007

Where Does The Loyalty of Neil MacFarquhar Lie?


Here we go again with the painting of a KNOWN terrorist support group being sold to the American People as a "reasonable" outlet.

Neil Mac Farquhar is "going to bat" in support of CAIR. He has either been hoodwinked and easily led by the short hairs or he is a willing activist for CAIR to replace the United States Constitution with Sharia Law and using the United States Constitution to carry out that "mission".

Neil MacFarquhar, the Times reporter on the Muslim beat, again goes to bat for the highly controversial Council on American-Islamic Relations (CAIR) in Thursday's "Muslim Groups Oppose A List of 'Co-Conspirators.'" The text box: "A Justice Dept. action in a terrorism case is seen as an effort to smear a community."

The case involves the Texas-based Holy Land Foundation, accused of providing material support to what MacFarquhar called "the Palestinian organization Hamas." (Everyone else knows Hamas as an anti-Israel terrorist group.)

When will our alleged leaders in this country going to stop this madness or is it up to us?

Here is an oldie but goodie from waaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaay back in 2006.

Power Line:

The Council on American-Islamic Relations uses litigation as a strategic tool to silence its critics and protect the image it projects of itself as a civil rights group. In a September 2004 post on his blog, Daniel Pipes documented "CAIR's growing litigiousness." Among the suits noted by Pipes was CAIR v. Andrew Whitehead, the founder of Anti-CAIR. Pipes discussed the lawsuit in a July 2005 column: "CAIR founded by 'Islamic terrorists'?"

Yesterday the New York Sun reported that "CAIR settles a libel suit against critic," the critic being Andrew Whitehead. At his site, Whitehead lists the statements he has made about CAIR that formed the basis of CAIR's libel claim:

CAIR backed off and in essence, lost. Doesn't that tell you something?


Reporter MacFarquhar called CAIR a "prominent Muslim American organization," even though the Washington Times found the group had only 1,700 members last year, a fall of 90% since 2001. The Times has not yet reported that tidbit. In fact, the last Times news story that mentioned CAIR was another slanted piece by MacFarquhar back in March, another of listing CAIR's grievances without detailing the accusations made against CAIR, including accusations of links to the anti-Israeli terrorist group Hamas.

Read the rest of the Times Watch article. It "IS" an eye opener.

Seeing that we have not a single man in our political leadership, and the "signs" are all too telling, we will have to take this matter of CAIR into our own hands sooner or later, come hell or high water.


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