Sunday, August 26, 2007

And The Leftinistra Continue Their Dance

In an ongoing distract and distort campaign, the Leftinistra of the Democratic and Republican political parties, continue their Dance Into Obscurity by lamely attempting to take away the significance of the progress being made in the War In Iraq.

The shining example in recent hours is the pathetic performance of one John Warner, one of the original White Flag Republicans.

Again with the time-table nonsense, sending signals to the enemy, "Fear not. We will help you."

Warner may back Dems' bill on withdrawal
WASHINGTON - GOP Sen. John Warner, who wants U.S. troops to start coming home from Iraq by Christmas, said Sunday he may support Democratic legislation ordering withdrawals if President Bush refuses to set a return timetable soon.
I often ask myself to what depths the WFRs and the "other" Leftinistra Losers will sink to aid and abet the enemy.

In another "development", another loser has been ignoring the recent victories of US Forces on Iraq and the recent devastating losses to AQ in Iraq. One must wonder what the cure to BDS and Ostrich Syndrome will be.

From CBS (go figure)
(AP) A call by Puerto Rico's governor for a U.S. withdrawal from Iraq earned a standing ovation from a conference of more than 4,000 National Guardsmen.

Gov. Anibal Acevedo Vila said Saturday that the U.S. administration has "no new strategy and no signs of success" and that prolonging the war would needlessly put guardsmen in harm's way.
"The war in Iraq has fractured the political will of the United States and the world," he said at the opening of the 129th National Guard Association general conference. "Clearly, a new war strategy is required and urgently."
All in all, as sad as it all is to this DAV, it is also quite comical to witness the demise of the Losers of the the Leftinistra as they scratch at their open wounds. They have been exposed. They know beyond a shadow of a doubt that they have been on the wrong side of this GWOT issue, the singularly most important issue the world has ever known, and they absolutely refuse to acknowledge the fact.

There will be more "stories" and rants at memeorandum soon enough.

Suffice it to say that the poor and depraved and deprived WFRs and the Leftinistra are attempting all so desperately to duck and cover from the fallout soon to befall upon them all. For example:
Warner, who has not announced whether he will run for re-election next year, said he spoke on his own behalf. He also said he was unconcerned about any political fallout and didn't want to wait until mid-September to speak out because by then Bush may have made up his mind.
Is that a statement made by a sane politician? Never mind. Don't answer that. I already know the answer. President Bush does NOT blow with the wind. Right or wrong, GWB is a man of conviction and he believes he is doing the right thing. He also knows that the United States is now WINNING the War In Iraq and to listen to the sniveling of an original member of the White Flag Republican Caucus is the furthest from his mind's eye at the moment.

Warner is a loser.

These are statements from sane men:
Sen. James Inhofe, R-Okla., issued a statement saying that efforts to pre-empt Petraeus' September review were "premature and irresponsible." Sen. John Cornyn, R-Texas, said, "It's a little curious to me that people are proposing a change in strategy when in fact the current strategy appears now to be working."

"The fact that Democratic leaders continue to push for precipitous withdrawal despite the significant progress our troops are making shows just how deeply invested they are in failure," said House Minority Leader John Boehner, R-Ohio.
Can you "see" the difference? I can. You?

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