Sunday, August 26, 2007

News That Causes Heartburn for the Leftinistra

The Fourth the link and read the entire report

Operation Phantom Strike, the effort to disrupt al Qaeda and Shia terror cells throughout Iraq continues even as al Qaeda in Iraq is launching its counteroffensive ahead of the Ambassador Crocker and Gen. Petraeus' September report to Congress on the state of Iraq. Coalition and Iraqi security forces struck over the past few days at al Qaeda and the Iranian-backed Shia terror networks.

In Baghdad, the Iraqi government imposed an "indefinite ban" on driving as Shiite pilgrims are heading to Karbala on foot to commemorate a yearly holiday in the holy city. Al Qaeda in Iraq detonated a bomb near the Kadamiyah Shrine in Baghdad, killing five and wounding 27.


Operation Lightning Hammer disrupts al-Qaeda in Diyala

Soldiers from the 3rd Brigade Combat Team, 1st Cavalry Division, partnered with members of the 5th Iraqi Army Division, initiated the operation with a late-night air assault into targeted locations Aug. 13, and conducted an additional three air-assaults during the course of the operation.

Residents of most villages welcomed the security forces, providing tips and intelligence about recent activities in their towns; and were interested in joining the Iraqi Security Forces. Following clearing operations, the Iraqi army provided medical assistance and humanitarian aid to the local citizens, many of whom said their villages were recently influenced by al-Qaeda.

More importantly, more than 80 tribal leaders and representatives, some of whom had not spoken in over a year, met Aug. 19 to discuss their grievances and swore on the Quran to unite in their fight against terrorists and become one tribe of Diyala.

Clearing operations in Samarra strike hard at insurgency
More than 2,500 Iraqi soldiers from the 4th Iraqi army and policemen from the 6th National Police Division have been deployed to Samarra to improve security in the city. Including Operation Jalil, the ISF and Company C Soldiers have also detained more than 200 insurgents since the second mosque attack.

When the Iraqi national police first arrived in Samarra, they received anything but a warm welcome. The people of Samarra were very hesitant to receive the policemen, said Capt. Buddy Ferris, commander, Company C.

Now the citizens of Samarra are very receptive to the national police, and the Paratroopers from Company C have seen this through the vast amount of information they receive everyday from the people in Samarra about terrorists operating in their neighborhoods, Ferris added.
Tribal Leaders in Diyala Province Band Together
“They (tribal leaders) signed a peace agreement and swore to protect the land and their people from al Qaeda and to bridge the gap between tribes and to have a provincial-wide reconciliation movement,” Army Col. David W. Sutherland said as he sat alongside the Iraqi security forces commander in Diyala, Maj. Gen. Abdul Kareem, during a joint press briefing in Baqubah, Iraq.

Referring to Kareem as his “friend” and “partner,” Sutherland highlighted the success of the recent Iraqi and coalition forces Operation Lightning Hammer, which concluded Aug. 22.

In addition to disrupting al Qaeda and other militant rogue elements in the Diyala river valley, Lightning Hammer will be remembered for bringing together more than 80 tribal leaders from the area, many of whom had not spoken to one another for years, Sutherland said.

“Some of the sheikhs had been feuding for years,” he said. “Their goal (now is) to work together for a better future for all Iraqis, regardless of tribe or sect. An attack (by al Qaeda) against one tribe is seen as an attack against all.”

More than 80 tribal leaders met Aug. 19 at the provincial governor’s compound to discuss their grievances and swore on the Koran to unite in their fight against terrorists and become one tribe of Diyala. Sutherland said tribal leaders hold the social power in Iraq, and that’s why it is important for tribes to become partners.

The last and the best news:

Another Iraqi ‘Awakening’?: In yet another region of Iraq, one tribe decides that it wants something better than what the insurgency has to offer

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