Monday, August 27, 2007

Blinking Democrats Miss Another News Bit...Or Did They?

If the Democrats would stop trying to dodge bullets and failing miserably, they would have more time to keep up with current events. As some of them whine and demand that Maliki resign because he hasn't miraculously, in one years' time, to solve the political issues in Iraq, they certainly of either missed this one or have chosen to ignore it as a substantial occurrence.

WSJ Online: A Fatwa Against Violence

Last week, I participated in a three day meeting here that included six of the most senior Iraqi Sunni and Shia religious leaders. At the meeting, held at a Marriott hotel in a Cairo suburb, they formally agreed to "end terrorist violence, and to disband militia activity in order to build a civilized country and work within the framework of law."

This gathering was a truly historic event, given the authority of the participants -- including Sheikh Ahmed al Kubaisi, acknowledged by all Iraqis as the senior Sunni religious authority (the weekly audience for his Friday sermons, broadcast from Dubai, number 20 million), and Ayatollah Sayyid Ammar Abu Ragheef, chief of staff for Grand Ayatollah Ali al Sistani, the acknowledged leader of the Shia community in Iraq and beyond. One has only to consider the power of these specific religious leaders, and the instruments at their disposal for getting results, to grasp the gathering's enormous potential importance.

Click the link to read the rest.

Reuters: Cautious optimism after Iraqi political deal

BAGHDAD - A new political accord between Iraq's main Sunni Arab, Shi'ite and Kurdish leaders will not be enough to lure boycotting Sunni Arabs back into the government, a spokesman for the biggest Sunni Arab bloc said on Monday.

Five leading politicians announced the accord late on Sunday, agreeing on a mechanism for releasing detainees, a law on distributing oil revenue and measures to readmit former members of Saddam Hussein's Baath Party to public life.

Ambassador Ryan Crocker hailed the deal, which will give him at least some good news to deliver in two weeks when he and the top U.S. general in Iraq, David Petraeus, report back to Washington in a pivotal moment for U.S. policy.

The Nation should be asking why our politicians have ignored this development. It seems to me that no matter the good news in regards to Iraq, the Democratic Party Leadership and their Presidential Aspirants are trying to ignore it all and distract from facts.

I wonder why that is.

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