Monday, August 27, 2007

Michael Yon...The Ghosts of Anbar, Part II of IV

The American people should always and forever be in a constant state of gratitude for what men like Michael Yon risk to bring us the REAL news.

The Ghosts of Anbar, Part II of IV

The Ghosts of Anbar, Part II of IV

Through the window, clearly

7-15. Success in COIN operations requires small-unit leaders agile enough to transition among many types of missions and able to adapt to change. They must be able to shift through a number of activities from nation-building to combat and back again in days, or even hours. Alert junior leaders recognize the dynamic context of a tactical situation and can apply informed judgment to achieve the commander’s intent in a stressful and ambiguous environment. COIN operations are characterized by rapid changes in tactical and operational environments. The presence of the local populace within which insurgents may disappear creates a high degree of ambiguity. Adaptable leaders observe the rapidly changing situation, identify its key characteristics, ascertain what has to be done in consultation with subordinates, and determine the best method to accomplish the mission.

From “Counterinsurgency/FM 3-24/MCWP 3-33.5

Never forgotten: Haddimiyah, Anbar Province, Iraq

Click the link and read the rest.

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