Saturday, August 18, 2007

Demand Justice!!!

I am now informed by Up Pompeii that mayor Freddy Thielemans had just given permission to a demonstration/march on sunday Sept. the 9th. in Brussels. The demonstration will proclame that it wasn’t Islamists but Americans and Jewishes who stood behind the act of terrorisms against World Trade Center on Sep. the 11th 2001.

The demonstration will move from Brussels northern station to the southern in protest against “Georges Bush’s involvement with the 9/11 2001 terror attack’s in New York and on the Pentagon”.
The demonstration is led by a left-wing anti-American group who calls itself “United for truth” and that works with conspiracy theories.

The Mayor would need a ladder to kick a snake's belly! He banned SIOE from demonstrating on the 11th, but permits the AssWholes to spew their feces in the streets of Brussels.

There are at present 6942 signatures on the petition demanding issuance of a permit for SIOE's demonstration. For the love of liberty, go now and sign that petition and spread the word if you have not yet done so!

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