Sunday, August 19, 2007

Rep. Murtha’s Office Hangs Up When Asked About the Haditha Marines

Should we expect anything differently from an esteemed "EX"- Marine, now serving as a CONgressman? Yes, we should but the video at the top of the page exhibits how depraved this "EX"-Marine reacts when asked about his wrongful and disgusting attitude towards the Haditha Marines that he personally destroyed.

I wonder if he sleeps well.

I have my own opinions and I am pleased to see that I am not alone.

Catch the buzz over at Hot Air. ALL of the comments are, well, interesting.

When he wasn’t busy over the past year or so arguing that we ought to fight al Qaeda in Iraq from our bases in Okinawa and Diego Garcia, Rep. Jack “Abscam” Murtha has been busy stuffing his face with pork, behaving questionably over appropriations and smearing US Marines. Now that three of the Marines Murtha prejudged to be guilty of cold-blooded murder have been cleared of all charges, Murtha ought to answer for what he has been saying about them.

Today, I called up his office in DC to see if he was planning on issuing any statements. For some reason, his staff is less than forthcoming on that point.

Update: Porkapallooza!

(thumbnail from Boot Murtha)

Murtha. The useless toad.

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