Tuesday, August 7, 2007

Having Fun With Moonbats...

...and exposing their stupidity and their absolute HATRED for American Ideals and anyone that does not agree with them on ANY subject.

Behold: On an original post here and then transferred here, to "capture the troll comments", the trolls have reacted instead of responding. Seeing that I have banned them from here and here, and have corralled them here, it "IS" easier to track them and to be able to transfer their comments to posts where they cannot interfere with normal and peaceful chatter.

In the comments section of this post, there will be ALL posts from the thread at my Townhall blog. Feel free to jump in. Posts made here, will be transferred there as well.

Jump in and Trounce A Troll...it's easy.

The thread in question is thus:

Saturday, August 04, 2007 4:24 AM

Rush On The Slumber Blabathon


Ouch! *L*

Cartoon (c)rushlimbaugh.com

"Harry Reid needs to change its focus. He needs to get back to doing what he does best and that's sleazy land deals with his kids. It's time for him to go home to Searchlight, Nevada, wherever he lives. He's in the big leagues now, but he can't seem to swing the bat. The bat just stays on his shoulder, and when he does swing, he misses. If I'm a Democrat or liberal, I would demand new leadership. They can sit there all day long and complain and whine about Bush, but I'll tell you, Harry Reid is proving to be an embarrassment."

--Rush Limbaugh, 18 July 2007

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