Tuesday, August 7, 2007

On Fear Mongering

We have ALL heard the phrase "fear mongering" from the moonbat left and their muppets of the Leftinistra.

It seems as though whenever we hear "...fighting them over there so we don't have to fight them here...", that is proclaimed fear mongering. However, whenever we hear "...attack Pakistan...", that is not called fear mongering. Why is that?

Whenever we hear "...pull the troops out of Iraq so we can fight the 'real' terrorists...", that is not called fear mongering. Why is that?

Whenever we hear "...NYC will be under water due to Global Warming...", that is not called fear mongering. Why is that?

Whenever we hear "...the rich exploit the poor...", that is not called fear mongering...". Why is that?

Whenever we hear "...terrorism is a real threat..." coming from the DNC Aspirants to the Presidency, that is not called fear mongering. Why is that?

Whenever we hear "...the economy is crashing..." that is not called fear mongering. Why is that?

Whenever we hear "...they are trashing the Constitution...", that is not called fear mongering. Why is that?

Why is that??

How about some honesty...for a change? I know honesty is said to be bad policy for those due up for elections...isn't that "fear mongering"?

How about if the country unites...as it once was before the Leftinistra decided they would NOT be in power and control if they remained united against the AQ terrorists NO MATTER WHERE THEY ARE...isn't that "fear mongering"?

Just curious.

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