Sunday, August 12, 2007

I See The UN Is Paying Attention

Isn't the UN supposed to be stopping this kind of thing from happening? AH! But wait! The UN sides with everyone that hates the Nation of Israel. I forgot. My bad.

Charles Levinson / Telegraph:

Now, why would a terrorist organization, backed by Syria and Iran want with land making Israel more accessible for them to carry out raids and attacks against Israel?

Perhaps now would be a good time for Israel to FINALLY obey their God all those years ago when they were instructed to go wipe out the Accursed of God...the descendants of Lot...the Arabs.

Israel Matzav
Earlier this week on his blog Charles Levinson of the London Daily Telegraph reported on Hezbullah actions that could be viewed as preparation for war north of the Litani river.
Blue Crab Boulevard on the subject:
And outsiders are now forbidden to enter the village. This is not a good sign for Israel, the region or the world.
The United Nations, once again, is proving its uselessness.

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