Wednesday, August 22, 2007

Let The Waffling Begin

Mr Tenet:

We didn't trust you and your organization then and we don't trust your verbiage now. Suck it in and Do The Right Thing. You'll sleep better.
Following is the text of a written statement issued by George J. Tenet, the former Director of Central Intelligence, regarding the public release today of the executive summary of the June 2005 report by the Office of the Inspector General concerning the terror attacks of Sept. 11, 2001:
Read the rest on your own. ITS words cannot be entered here on this blog.

Accountability? This goes against the grain of the Leftinistras within the KGB of the Clintonistra Regime.

Gen. Michael V. Hayden, the C.I.A. director, just released a public summary of the agency’s internal post-mortem on its performance before the Sept. 11 attacks.

In a news release paired with the document, the C.I.A. chief explained that he preferred to keep the document secret, urging “that we keep our focus on the present and the future.” But Congress ordered him last month to release the document as part of the approval of several 9/11 commission recommendations.

Page xi is interesting. To those that know me, what does it say? Was I right? Naturally. I lived it.

Thanks for NOTHING, Tenet!! Thanks for NOTHING, Clinton...either one!!

I hope they cannot sleep without heavy sedation.

Perhaps they should visit with the ghosts of yore with me when they ask me, "Why?"

WASHINGTON, Aug. 21 — A report released Tuesday by the Central Intelligence Agency includes new details of the agency’s missteps before the Sept. 11 attacks, outlining what the report says were failures to grasp the role being played by the terror mastermind Khalid Sheikh Mohammed and to assess fully the threats streaming into the C.I.A. in the summer of 2001.
So sad that so many died in Tajikistan.

The buzz (for me...Blood-Sweat-And Tears)

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