Wednesday, August 22, 2007

Monitor Lizards and Yellow Boughs

A friend of mine and I were discussing a symbolic waste of time. This can apply to all walks of life and vocations and I am sure many will relate.

There are some that are born to is in their blood, as it were. There are some that are born to follow. There are some that follow for a time, and honestly work their way up the food chains. Some, in their quest to climb whatever ladder they feel led to climb, maintain their honesty all the way to the top. Others get "soiled" along the way.

There are others that can do nothing else but follow but lust after power and control and will whatever it takes to get to the top.

At times, there are folks along the way that see a troubling happenstance and have since developed Management Training Seminars. This seems to be waste of time. Either you have it or you don't. It was just our opinions, two grunts shooting the breeze because we witnessed such an incident.

An individual that will remain anonymous primarily due to the fact that I never want to cross paths with this "person" as long as I live...the outcome is unpredictable at this time...was sent to what we called Boss Training Academy. He could not perform so he was promoted to get him safely out of harms way.

He returned from the Boss Training Academy and was assigned to another area of interest and the people in that "other place" hated him more than we did.

My friend said, "Yep. That's what happens. You take one of the most vicious and nastiest lizards of all of the Reptile Domain, send it to school and when it graduates, it gets a Yellow Bough of achievement. And what do you have you wonder? A nasty lizard with a pretty yellow bough.

And what is my point? This is my point.
WASHINGTON — A new program in Saudi Arabia is offering young terrorists rehabilitation from a life of violence in the name of jihad. A Saudi government-sanctioned program to try to reverse the terrorist way of thinking has already begun to help some participants who have survived their own crimes.
Click the link and read the rest.

Sorry. I am not buying this. In my humble O-P-I-N-I-O-N, the Saudis are NOT our friends, per se. They are more our friends because they hate Iran worse than we do. If this is indeed taking place, I fear that all they are doing is making a Monitor Lizard more presentable.

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