Thursday, August 30, 2007

Michael Yon...Ghosts of Anbar, Part III of IV

All of us should keep men like Michael Yon in our thoughts and prayers in an ever present debt of gratitude for risking all there is to risk in bringing us the Real News and for being the Armed Forces Voices From The War...

Thank you Michael Yon...keep your head down!!

Click the link and read the rest...

Ghosts of Anbar Part III of IV

A Model for Success

While some Iraqi Army and Police officers searched for the suspected bomber, we searched for the bomb supposedly planted along this stretch. A culvert under a 4-lane road is a likely place.

To many of the Iraqis I’ve spoken with, terrorists are fair game. Kill them. But if we kill justice while doing so, we will create terrorists out of farmers. Here the Marines are creating farmers, police officers, shepherds, and entrepreneurs out of insurgents. To do that, they have to be seen as men who respect and honor legitimate systems of government and justice.

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