Tuesday, August 21, 2007

The Moonbats At Salon Have Fallen down and Can't Get Back Up!

This "IS' really too much. The opening sentence "IS" indeed a portent, "IS" it not? And this "IS" an article that "IS" their feature article. Heaven help them if this "IS" the best they have to offer. This is reminiscent of the failed TNR Beauchump articles. I can hardly wait for their lame encore.
The Republican Party is the least respected institution in the U.S today, George W. Bush's poll numbers are nearing Nixonian lows, and GOP Congress members and Bush administration officials are rushing for the exits.

Sorry. I had to have a GREAT belly laugh over that one!!

What are the Democrats "lows" approaching, again?

What "IS" it with these "Rather" insignificant cogs in the wheels of society? Rhetoric like this never ceases to amaze me. The folks running for the exits are the RINOs and the MANY Defeatocrats because they see the Writing On The Wall. How many democratic Party Leaders have now said that the Surge is working and we need to stay?

Hello? Moonbats at Salon? Do you NOT pay attention or "IS" that BDS thing have you all strung out for more defeatist fixations?

This "IS" one more moonbat attempt to distract from the realities that they will or cannot accept and it WILL dig their own holes into the abyss of obscurity such as they have never known. Read the following pieces, if you would be so kind:

Get Over Yourself, American Prospect

Salon Takes A Stab At Truth

Some Legacies We Could Do Without

Old News Moonbats...Morons

The buzz is at memeorandom
and here

Therein, one will find the key to their failures. No one of any substance or conscience wants to hear their crap anymore.

There is a Conservative Tsunami cresting and they cannot stop it from overtaking them and sweeping them out to sea. When it comes I will not throw them a life-line...I will watch them drown in their own self-made seas of palsy and pity-parties. I will laugh and spit.

Wake Up America has a piece up today that will certainly outrage the sad-sacks of salon and I am sure there will be attacks made and the Moonbat Fruit Loop Brigades will march into a hail of fire and drop like the cowards that they are.

Let's Roll!

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