Friday, August 10, 2007

More Haditha Marines Exonerated

Hey! Murtha! When will YOU be apologizing to the United States Marine Corp, The Haditha marines YOU trashed and destroyed their lives and The American People?

When will YOU, Murtha, resign your "post" for dereliction of duty?

When will YOU, Murtha, tell The American People that YOU were wrong?

Have YOU, Murtha, the Moral Fortitude and Personal Integrity to do so?

John Murtha. You have disgraced your Uniform and although I was not a Marine, we did have cross-service respect for each other and in THIS DAV's opinion, YOU, Murtha, now have the recognition as the Second "Ex"-Marine.

I pity your existence. I loath your politicizing an issue for your own personal and political gain. Your first-hand and under-handed causation of trials, tribulations and lives destroyed due to your disgusting plunging for moonbat votes is deplorable and YOU, Murtha, absolutely disgust this veteran.

General Praises Exonerated Haditha Marine

Charges Against Haditha Marine Sharratt Dropped

Charges for Haditha Investigator Dropped

It is a sad day for America that such a man...and I use that term loosely...VERY Murtha remains as a Servant of The People in The People's House.

Purely pathetic.

"Moore" on the Idiot Murtha below


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