Thursday, August 30, 2007

White Flag Republican Considering Going Away?

One could only hope so.

BREAKING: John Warner to announce plans tomorrow

Sen. John Warner will announce tomorrow at the University of Virginia whether or not he intends to seek a sixth term, according to two top Virginia sources. Warner is planning a 2 p.m. news conference on the grounds of the Charlottesville, Va., school, where he took his law degree over 50 years ago. The Virginian will give his speech near the statue of Thomas Jefferson on the steps of the school’s famous Rotunda, adding a fitting Warner flourish to the event.

Warner's office has confirmed the announcement and his political organization has issued a press advisory in advance of the event.

Could it be that he sees the writing on the wall? Could it be that him being on the wrong side of the flag pole has taken its toll? I surely hope so. We don't need no stinkin' RINOs getting in the way of Victory!!

Besides, he will make much more money and really screw things up as a lobbyist.

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