Tuesday, September 4, 2007

Another Blithering @#@#@#@#@#@#*** Yammers On and On and On...........

This is really getting old. No wonder the moron Moonbat Fruit Loop Brigades are so stupid.

From a theoretically educated one...too bad the memory tags are gone due to an influx of meth...

From the Congress Blog:
Bush Plan Ignores Our Strategically Risky Position - Posted by Rep. Kathy Castor

I’m fortunate to serve on the Armed Services Committee. Over the first 8 months of the year I’ve heard testimony about the escalation of the war in Iraq, and how it has placed this country in a strategically risky position.

Where President Bush and Vice President Cheney have taken us has impaired our ability to respond to any other threat to our national security, and the last National Intelligence Estimate said that Al Qaeda has reconstituted itself.

> Read More

Now, which Administration completely raped the the United States Military and the associated and unassociated intelligence services to pretend "it" balanced the budget? And don't lie like a Democrat Leader, either. I already know the answer and can prove it.

Perhaps the proper blame can be placed where it friggin' belongs, if "they" MUST play the Blame Game.

How about if we stop the retarded Blame Game, admit mistakes and move on and win the fucking war?

Like Dean says, "Fucking idiots...."

HEY! Dishonorable Rep Kathy Castor! Yeah! You! Quit talking out of your ass!

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