Tuesday, September 4, 2007

Islamist Website Hosted in Minnesota Features Discussion on How to Attack U.S. Military Bases

What in the HELL is going on in Minnesota?

On September 3, 2007, the Islamist website www.ekhlaas.cc, which is hosted by SiteGenie LLC in Rochester, Minnesota, featured a discussion on ways to attack U.S. military bases. The discussion, which took place on a forum on the website, focused mainly on bases located in open terrain, e.g., in the desert, which the forum participants characterized as particularly difficult to approach without being detected. Some of the postings were accompanied by diagrams of military bases showing various plans and angles of attack (as in the image below).
Click the links and PAY ATTENTION!!

If y'all ain't readin' MEMRI on a daily basis, go to the doctor and get whatever it is that is in theb wrong place removed and start paying attention!!

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