Friday, September 7, 2007

The Beginning Of The End For The Dishonorable Senator Kennedy?

It seems as though he has fallen from grace from his moonbat fringe fruit loops. This is what happens when you try and please everyone to save your political stature. You wind up pissing everybody off, eventually.

If you recall, Kennedy and his merry band of double standard bearers didn't want Wind Farms erected because they would block their views of Nantucket Sound. It has returned to bite him in his butt.

Liberal darling Ted Kennedy has run afoul of the left over his opposition to a controversial wind farm project in Massachusetts.

Liberals “are now heaping scorn on the 73-year-old senator,” reports syndicated columnist Froma Harrop. “Young audiences boo at his name, and the leftish ‘Daily Show’ on Comedy Central makes fun of him.”

The energy-producing wind farm on Nantucket Sound was slated to be the first such project in the U.S., and polls showed that 84 percent of state residents favor it.


But the project has been “frustrated at every turn by a handful of yachtsmen, Kennedy included, who don’t want to see windmills from their verandas,” writes Harrop, who’s on the staff of the Providence Journal.


“After 45 years in the Senate, Kennedy should be polishing his liberal legacy,” Harrop concludes. “But his manipulative attacks on this wind farm have so sickened supporters that his long career may be headed for a sorry end.”

We could only hope so.

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