Friday, September 7, 2007

The War Fraud Kerry Prattles On And Lies...As Usual

Here is a piece that the Leftinistra toilet paper ag produces...and that would be used toilet paper after a meal of hot chile peppers, BBQ and beer.

The rhetoric is the same crap that has been proven to be false time and time again, especially in recent weeks yet, the fool and his merry band of fruit loops still have a death grip on that sinking ship of obscurity and irrelevance.

The escalation failed to do the one and only thing it was supposed to do. The entire Iraq policy of George W. Bush has failed since the fall of Saddam Hussein's statue in Baghdad. No amount of parsing or spinning can change those simple facts: the escalation is and was the wrong answer.


I chaired a hearing on the GAO Report yesterday...

The same document that is not yet complered and doesn't meet muster. Amazing.


Judgment time is here, and the only verdict is the same one we had in January, the same one we've had for a long time in Iraq: the Bush policy is a tragic failure.

I guess the idiot doesn't get out much or he is a CF moron or just another Democrat lying ass.

Yes, Fraud Kerry. Judgment Day is here and you will be like Fly Man screaming, "Help Me! Help Me!"

Read the rest and let me know. You decide.

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