Tuesday, September 11, 2007

Facts Are Hard For Dummies

Especially for the loons at Huff and Puff.
In his testimony before the Congress on September 10 and 11, General Petraeus will make the case that, despite the fact that the Iraqi government is not meeting the benchmarks proposed by the White House a year ago, certain positive developments during the last nine months since the surge began make it clear that the U.S. should continue to maintain some 170,000 troops in Iraq for several more months. His comments will no doubt be echoed by President Bush when he addresses the nation later in the week.

Petraeus and Bush will claim that violence in Baghdad is down, that overall sectarian deaths in Iraq have been reduced, that Iraqi security forces are standing up, and that some Sunni tribes are turning against al-Qaeda. But they will not point out that overall civilian deaths in all of Iraq are increasing; civilian deaths in August were 1809, up by 49 compared to July's 1760 deaths.

Nor will they point out that May was the deadliest month in 2007, with over 1900 civilian deaths. Nor will they note that the Pentagon's estimate of sectarian deaths does not include Shi'a on Shi'a violence, Sunni on Sunni violence, car bombings or people being shot in the head from in front.

I have a question. Where do these bottom-feeders get their data from? OBL?

I am looking at the charts presented by a man of honor and character and I don't see in here where this cretin called Lawrence Korb "On The Cob" is getting his info. Neither do I see a quoted link whereas one can go verify what Cob Boy so states.Why are the Leftinistra so averse to qualifying their rants? Nor shall we ever, unless, naturally, their data is from the NY Slimes, the Washington Compost or any other such filthy rags as these.

Makes me wonder where these people have been since the early 1970s.

Catch the wave.

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