Tuesday, September 11, 2007

Poor Arianna Huffington...She doesn't Get It Either

Add one more loser to the pile of irrelevancy.
I was in Miami last night for the Univision-hosted Democratic debate. Listening to their responses on Iraq left no doubt that the candidates have gotten the message that, no matter what Gen. Petraeus says during his testimony, the American people -- including the Hispanic community -- are done with this war.
It is all so evident that none of them knows what constitutes a civil war. One would think and/or hope that they knew what a dictionary was and how to use one. But, that would require some forethought and moral fortitude to investigate that which they lamely claim.

Actual Criteria for a Civil War:

Some civil wars are categorized as revolutions when major societal restructuring is a possible outcome of the conflict. An insurgency, whether successful or not, is likely to be classified as a civil war by some historians if, and only if, organized armies fight conventional battles.

Military Definition of Civil War:

“A war between factions of the same country; there are five criteria for international recognition of this status: the contestants must control territory, have a functioning government, enjoy some foreign recognition, have identifiable regular armed forces, and engage in major military operations.”

NATO on what is NOT Civil War:

North Atlantic Treaty Organization Glossary of Terms and Definitions (Organisation Du Traite De L'Atlantique Nord Glossaire De Terms Et Definitions) NATO does provide a reference for what is not classified as a civil war. The manual states that 'civil disturbance' is defined as "group acts of violence and disorder prejudicial to public law and order"

Sectarian Violence, not to be mistaken for Civil War:

Sectarian violence or sectarian strife is violence inspired by sectarianism, that is, between different sects of one particular mode of thought, not necessarily religious (e.g. conflicts between the nationalists and communists in China in the early 20th century are largely constructed by Chinese nationals of the time as sectarian). Some of the possible inputs for sectarian violence include power struggles, political climate, social climate, cultural climate, and economic landscape.
"At this point in Iraq there are still Sunnis and Kurds and Shiite who want to have stability, and they are trying to put down the insurgents. Now it is also purely possible that at some point they will give up. Then it is a civil war," Donald Kagan, a history professor from Yale University who's written extensively about war.

Makes one wonder where the Leftinistra get their data from. It certainly isn't from any credible source.

One would hope that such self-elevated wonders would be slightly smarter than a box of broken banjo strings, eh?

Spin that.

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