Wednesday, September 5, 2007

GOP Debate Coverage 9/5/2007

Will update every few moments or so

Britt Hume of Fox News officiating...

What about Fred?
Huckabee...Fred ain't here in NH. No Show Fred.
Paul...Welcomes Fredd to the Race...he will dilute the vote. (idiot)
McCain...we are up past his bed time.
Romney...why the hurry? Take some more time off, Fred.
Rudy...I like Fred...he does a good job on Law and order...welcome Fred.
Illegal Immigration

Sanctuary Cities
Romney...reduce funding to sanctuary cities. Anti-shamnesty
McCain...anti-shamnesty? People don't trust "us" the borders first. We failed the people.
Huckabee...seal the borders...people are pissed due to ignoring the border security is about time these questions are being answered by my colleagues...RULE OF LAW!!
Hunter...border fence...finish it? IT IS THE LAW! Build the damn thing!
From the voters

Illegal immigrants
What do we do with the ones that are here NOW? How can we not call it amnesty?
McCain...amnesty is forgiveness...impose fines...blah-blah-blah
Rudy...have to stop the flow first...side-stepping. Tamper-proof ID card for ALL immigrants.
Romney...Z-visa was a BAD idea!! It IS amnesty. Close down the magnets, sanctuary cities and employers that hire illegals. ENFORCE THE LAW
Family Values
Brownback...Craig is taking responsibility...rebuild the family in this country, it is at the core of our problems
Hunter...Craig should resign immediately. Our Party gets rid of our problesm and the DNC makes their problem-children Chairmen of committees. What have you done for Aerica today.
Romney...wish we didn't have abortion...over turn Roe v Wade and send the decision to the states...not a federal job. Abortion is an act of murder.
Huckabee...human life begins at conception...
Virginia Tech and gun laws
Fred said that he didn't feel safe in NYC
Rudy...agrees with gun control and says Fred is wrong...states have the right to control their own gun laws...not a federal issue...focus on the criminals and not gun owners
Paul...911 attackers might have had second thoughts if we were armed...the airliners are responsible for the passengers and not the government...personal responsibility...respect the second amendment
Marriage...what is it...constitutional amendment
Live free or die...

Brownback...yes to the amendment...foundational institution...rebuild the family restructure. Marriage is between one man and one woman...a Mom and a Dad.

(my break was longer than theirs)

McCain...troops home in Victory and Honor
Paul...same lame talking is all America's fault. Moron. Idiot.
Brownback...political surge to take place...another mutant answer. Wants Three regions of Iraq...3 separate " country, three states. Loose federation. It will take a long-term US presence to keep Iran and turkey out. The world is flat
Huckabee...we have to continue the break it, you buy it. We cannot leave without honor for our troops
Paul...neocons did it. Moron...this guy is a complete fool.
Hunter...we leave in Victory
Tancredo...anti-surge. I hope the surge works. Iraq is A battlefield in this war.
Skirting the issues (listeners) to end the war? This not about broken pottery or we made a mistake so let's leave. We must succeed in Victory and overwhelm Jihad globally. Bring our troops hoe when the military say that they are ready.
Presidential Power in war
Wire tap Mosques
Romney...use the law and keep track of those that are here in a threatening stature.
Tancredo...use of torture? What is torture? Do what is ree4quired to protect this country. Everything else pales in importance.
McCain...never gained damages our reputation.
Rudy...Club Gitmo...close it? No? What does the world think? No one will take the people at Club Gitmo. What do we do with them? Keep them where they are.
Hunter...hold those at Club Gitmo forever? Yes. Those we sent back and released have shown up fighting the war...we have been too liberal with Club Gitmo. They have all gained weight and they have care better than any HOM. Keep Club Gitmo open.
Brownback...he would reign in the VP power. Shared duties.
Taxes and Big Government...Americans For Tax Reform
McCain...oppose even though he did not sign the pledge. Why sign when the record is clear? STOP SPENDING...we destroyed the trust via BIG SPENDING...will veto EVERY pork barrel POS.
Brownback...McCain should sign for the people and not himself...non-issue.
Rudy...matter of principal...Presidents don't need the pledge...the Presidency is more powerful than a pledge. He won't sign either. Has a record as a tax-cutter
Romney...lower taxes for everyone...Kill death tax...SS savings plan...Bush tax cuts permanent.
Huckabee...Fair Tax...replace incopme tax with 23% Fair Tax. Applies to ALL and everyone...gut the IRS and get rid of it. Make all you want or as little as you want..the plan is the SAME for everyone.
Paul...wants to get rid of CIA, FBI, and everyone else tp save money and reduce taxes...moron. Sorry. Fucking Flake.
Family Values...lead by example...

Rudy...not running as the Perfect Family Man.

(taking a break)

A Presidential Scenario Next...
Iran...nukes advanced...inspectors see Iran producing nukes and Iran has kicked them out...incursions into Iraq...UN refuses to authorize force...threatens Israel
Paul...asks Congress to declare do you get along with deadly talk to them.
Tancredo...Israel says they are going for it with us or not...capitalize on the citizen dissent internal or Iran...if action is required, do it. PC is will get us all killed.
Hunter...precision strikes...isolate...cannot allow Iran to get a nuke...get help
Huckabee...detailed hypothetical...Constitution and conscience and character should guide the President...PRAY!!
Brownback...all too likely scenario...ask for the authority from Congress and the American it should be
rudy...Iran will not be allowed to go amy be a mistake to attack Iran but it is a bigger mistake to let Iran to go nuclear
Romney...a Global Test? Like Kerry? Good grief.
McCain...sanctions and isolate Iran...UN will be ineffective...Iran is a terrorist state...cannot allow Iran to go nuclear but at the end of the day, it will be the United States.
That is all.

Very little references to Ronald Wilson Reagan.

Ron Paul flunked as usual.

Hunter flew high.

Huckabee was GREAT!

Romney? eh? Not. Started sounding like someone I don't know.

McCain came across GREAT! Measured and strong.

My opinion?

McCain won.
Huckabee second place.
Hunter third.

These should be the Big Three of the GOP.

Round Up of live bloggers...and Michelle Malkin
The Politico
The Captain
National Review

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