Thursday, September 6, 2007

Marines Punish 3 Officers in Haditha Case

I am not buying this one bit.

Refusing to repeat the thoroughly debunked and exposed "witnesses" of the proven-to-be-false Haditha "massacre", there are still those that just thrive on keeping alive the Lies of thge Leftinistra, no matter where the slime balls can be found. This particular slime ball can be found under a rock.

The New York Times doesn't do a very good job either, go figure.

This whole "issue" is actually a non-issue and it sends home the ultimate message that the PC Time Bomb has self-detonated, with a very hard push from Dishonorable MisRep Murtha, the EX-Marine.

No where in any of these stories even comes close to mentioning that the "witness" turned out to be a fraud and a liar and the reporter that got the scoop KNEW it at the time. That is what makes this a non-issue.

The stories repeat the same old tired and used up lies as if the "witness" was an honest and upright guy. I guess if one is a Jihadi Sympathizer, the non-"witness" "IS" a pretty good guy. It resulted in the destruction of careers and lives of men in combat. I sure would like to see one of these egg-headed "journalists" in the trenches and see if their "spin" would be the same.

What I find interesting is that in this particular piece, the PC internal of the military "legal morons patrol" is all too evident. The piece at CNN is equally pathetic. What happened to the stories about the non-witness witness? And, I didn't see the pertinence of this piece.

And this abortion of a news-rag boasts of being "trusted" since 1942. Trusted? By what? It joins every singly piece quoted and/or referenced above by NOT telling thew whole story.

Simply amazing. For an in-depth and honest appraisal of the theoretical wrong-doings as stated by Murtha the EX-Marine, visit here. Why is it that we in the New Media always have to let the alleged professionals do their own damn jobs?

Ranting Profs has a fine and honest piece here and Euphoric Reality has the exposed fraud non-witness witness here.

Is it any wonder the trouble we find this nation in when the alleged Champions of Truth In Advertising resort to lies, deceit and hate to get their "dulls" out there?

Get a rope.

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