Thursday, September 27, 2007

Hillary Rodham Soros Clinton? Oh My!

Czarina cannot run for very much longer from justice. Even though she is Queen of Campaign Fraud and she has managed to skirt the issues on the Outer Marker, her past is coming back to bite her on the rumpolla.

The Soros group ACT, was fined $775,000.00 for what?
Funded with millions of dollars from billionaire George Soros, America Coming Together (ACT) misused about $70 million in "soft money," uncapped donations that aren't supposed to be used to urge election or defeat of a candidate, the FEC determined, saying that some of the money was spent on direct-mail and telemarketing efforts aimed against President Bush and Republicans in key battleground states in 2004.
So much for integrity. If you can't win, cheat.

Officials of a defunct pro-Democratic group that was hit with a near-record campaign-finance fine last month hold strong ties to Sen. Hillary Rodham Clinton's presidential campaign, documents show.

At least four persons who worked for the America Coming Together (ACT) fundraising group, which the Federal Election Commission recently fined $775,000, work directly for the Clinton campaign or hold top positions with consulting firms hired by it.
Czarina...Queen of Cheat.

Over at Fishwrap, we find a plethora of links and interviews all exposing Hillary and Clan lying and cheating their way to the top.


Even the connection between Mrs. Clinton, Soros and's "General Betray Us" ad doesn't produce any serious outrage, except from Republicans like Mike Huckabee:

"If you can't get your lips off the backside of George Soros long enough to use those lips to say it's wrong to declare a sitting general . . . guilty of treason," the 2008 Republican presidential hopeful said, "how would you ever expect to have the support of the very military you might have to send into deadly battle?"
Perhaps there is also a lesson here about the futility of campaign finance "reform" efforts. Writing about Jim McElhatton's front-page story, Prairie Pundit observes:
What this story demonstrates is that there is little to no consequence for Democrats who violate the campaign laws. Whether it is vote fraud or or illegal campaigning they just MoveOn to another organization and keep on campaigning. The defunct organization pays a fine, but the perps just move to another entity.
Mrs Clinton should bow out now before she winds up in "udder" defeat as Mondale found himself when he was severely trounced by Ronald Wilson Reagan.

With her recent admission that "they" cannot guarantee troop withdrawals from Iraq, even though she has stated that she would do so when she is sworn in as President, she, Hillary, has once again, lied her butt off to gain some votes.

I guess she knows as we all do, the loud-mouth Moonbats of the Fruit Loop Brigades do NOT represent the vast majority of Americans. This is painfully obvious to all but the Fruit Loops.

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