Thursday, September 27, 2007

Today In History

Late in coming, I know.


AP Highlight in History:
On Sept. 25, 1957, nine black children who had been forced to withdraw from Central High School in Little Rock, Ark., because of unruly white crowds were escorted to class by members of the U.S. Army's 101st Airborne Division.
AP Photo
1789The first United States Congress adopted 12 amendments to the Constitution and sent them to the states for ratification. (Ten of the amendments became the Bill of Rights.)

1890 Mormon president Wilford Woodruff issued a manifesto formally renouncing the practice of polygamy.
So, what's the deal with Mitt? He feels the same way so why the "outrage?

2001Saudi Arabia cut its relations with Afghanistan's ruling Taliban.

2003 France reported a staggering death toll of 14,802 from the summer heat wave.

2006The Louisiana Superdome, a symbol of misery during Hurricane Katrina, reopened for a New Orleans Saints game.
Shows ya where the priorities are


AP Highlight in History:
On Sept. 26, 1960, the first televised debate between presidential candidates took place in Chicago as Republican Richard M. Nixon and Democrat John F. Kennedy squared off.
AP Photo
Back when debates were real debates

1777 British troops occupied Philadelphia during the American Revolution.

1950 United Nations troops recaptured the South Korean capital of Seoul from the North Koreans.
The war which is STILL in force, thanks to politicians.

1980The Cuban government closed Mariel Harbor, ending the freedom flotilla of Cuban refugees that began the previous April.

2004 Pakistani forces killed a suspected top al-Qaida operative wanted for his alleged role in the 2002 kidnapping and beheading of Wall Street Journal reporter Daniel Pearl.

2005International weapons inspectors backed by Protestant and Catholic clergymen announced the Irish Republican Army's full disarmament.

2006 President George W. Bush ordered release of a declassified version of a government intelligence report that said the war in Iraq had become a "cause celebre" for Islamic extremists.


AP Highlight in History:
On Sept. 27, 1996, the Taliban, a band of former seminary students, drove the government of Afghani President Burhanuddin Rabbani out of Kabul, captured the capital and executed former leader Najibullah.
AP Photo/Hader Shah

1779John Adams was named to negotiate the Revolutionary War's peace terms with Britain.

1928The United States said it was recognizing the Nationalist Chinese government.

1939 Warsaw, Poland, surrendered after weeks of resistance to invading forces from Nazi Germany and the Soviet Union during World War II.
AP Photo

1964 The Warren Commission issued a report concluding that Lee Harvey Oswald acted alone in assassinating President John F. Kennedy.

1994 More than 350 Republican congressional candidates signed the "Contract with America," a 10-point platform they pledged to enact if voters sent a GOP majority to the U.S. House.

2001President George W. Bush announced plans to bolster airline security in the wake of the Sept. 11 attacks.

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