Sunday, September 30, 2007

MEMRI...News The Leftinistra Lose

Iran flexes its muscle even though their president said that they were no threat...
Against the backdrop of the increasing threat of a possible attack on Iran, Iran's Islamic Revolutionary Guards Corps (IRGC) commander Mohammad Ali J'afari warned the countries in the region against permitting the U.S. to attack Iran from its territory, saying "We will pay you back, and this is only natural." [1]

Federalism taking route in the Middle East
Gen. Paul Fares: "Once a new election law is passed, and after we promote the idea of a federal state, we will hold [parliamentary] elections, and in light of their outcome - two years later, after stability in Lebanon is restored - we will raise the idea of a federal state. This idea should arise out of the conviction of all Lebanese, not just some of them. It will take time for this conviction to take root. We need to explain it to the people, so they will understand the benefits of this new regime. It is not easy to shift them from one regime to the other..."

Egyptian playright smacks down on Jihadis
"The culture of death is a culture of irresponsibility. It is a culture in which a person considers all the 'others' to be his enemies. He is terrified of them, and he feels he must finish them off before they finish him off. In addition, this culture does not glorify life - although life is the greatest thing Allah has created for us. I'm not relying on any religious authority or historical examination, but I can only give you my personal opinion. Allah created us in order to enjoy this beautiful universe, and in order to make it even more beautiful, or at the very least, to keep it beautiful.

Saudi government pissed off about Suadi AQ

Recently, a public debate has emerged in Saudi Arabia regarding the involvement of Saudi nationals in terrorist activities throughout the world.

This involvement has been confirmed by numerous sources. For example, reports point to Saudi involvement in terrorist activities in Syria. The Lebanese news agency Al-Markaziyya reported, citing a diplomatic source, that Saudi Arabia had demanded that Syria round up the 980 Saudi Al-Qaeda members currently at a refugee camp in Syria, and hand them over to Saudi authorities as a precondition for any negotiations between the two countries. [1]

Well, Leftinistra?

The above are excerpts from a reporting agency that our dear untrustworthy and defamed morons in CONgress will not accept.

Iomega Corporation deal of the day banner

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