Sunday, September 30, 2007

Vast Majority Support Victory In The Battle In Iraq

Results of the latest scientific poll by Snooper.

Question: How Important Is A victory In Iraq?

The poll has since closed, having been open for nearly 60 days. As anyone can see, an overwhelming majority think the answer is of the highest priority. It is clear who the real Patriots are in this country.

Eleven voters have openly declared their "udder" stupidity. Then again, these could very well be those jihadi trolls that are dumber than a box of turtle turds.

Four voters are clearly just plain stupid with no hope of redemption.

Thirty eight at least have an honest opinion albeit it completely and totally against the Main Stream.

Highest Priority
257 (82%)
Could Care Less
11 (3%)
Where Is Iraq
4 (1%)
Lowest Priority
38 (12%)

Stand by for another scientific poll by Snooper:

Iomega Corporation deal of the day banner

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