Thursday, September 6, 2007

Move America Forward Update...Day 3

The debt of gratitude that this country owes the individuals and organizations sacrificing their time, money and undying loyalties to our troops and that which they offer up, cannot be repaid. In the dace of the viral opposition up to and including death threats, they plod along bringing the message of hope and Patriotism second to none, stateside.

As our troops fight the war "over there", these fight the war "over here".

Click the link and read the updates as they post them at the Move America Forward web site. A small excerpt is below.

We had San Diego this morning. I can’t even believe that at 9:00 today we were in San Diego and now we’re on our way to Tucson. I can’t say enough how slowly time passes on these trips. Except during the rallies, those are always so fun an exhilarating. Time totally flies by when the crowd is there and Diana is singing or one of the Debs is giving a speech.

Something else that keeps bothering me is that I think fatigue is starting to set in. My arms and legs ache and you can hear everyone groaning between stops. I feel like we’re barely surviving out here…haha. It’s funny but I remember watching something called Survivorman on Discovery Channel. Basically this guy goes out to the woods and tries to see if he can go a whole week by inventing ways to get water, food, shelter and not dying from something. I remember him saying once that when you’re trying to survive all by yourself and you don’t have access to a sustained source of food and water, you have to eat every possible chance you get.

He emphasizes this by walking through the jungle wherever he is and eating a little bit of everything he can find, even if it’s just a little bug or plant or something that seems insignificant, but when you don’t have a dependable source of food, you don’t know if that one little meal you have the opportunity to eat could be your last piece of sustenance for the next 3 days. So you can’t ignore it or pass up the opportunity. Likewise for us, food, sleep and bathroom breaks are a commodity we take advantage of every minute whenever possible. The problem is that it seems sleep is the commodity in shortest supply.

Keep them in your prayers. This coming Saturday, Snooper and Company will be linking up with the caravan and we will bring you updates as well.

Stay tuned: America Is Rising.

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