Friday, September 7, 2007

Peace Coming Slowly To Iraq?

If our own High Horse politicians would rally behind the troops and cease and desist with their political posturing rhetoric for political gain, Victory In Iraq would more than likely have come by now. Emboldening the enemy with their seditious, subversive and treasonous garbage, should be addressed but I doubt if there are any in ONgress that have the cajones to do so. PC has infected the Halls of Dishonor in DC and the only way to change direction in DC is to start all over.

After one year as the leader of Iraq, under dire circumstances of fighting Al Qaida and the plethora of militias loyal only to themselves and, after the blood, seat and tears sacrificed by our brave men and women in uniform, the light at the end of the tunnel is growing brighter.

TVC link to NYT: (origination at MNF-Iraq)

Naturally, the NYT plugs the Losers on the Left but, we can disregard that. We all know why they did this pathetic plug.
BAGHDAD, Sept. 5 — Prime Minister Nuri Kamal al-Maliki, under significant American pressure to break the stalemate in Iraq’s government, flew to the holy city of Najaf on Wednesday for talks with the country’s top Shiite cleric.

The meeting with Grand Ayatollah Ali al-Sistani, who as Iraq’s most powerful religious leader influences millions of Iraqi Shiites, took place two days after Mr. Maliki met President Bush on an air base in western Iraq.

In Najaf, Mr. Maliki said Mr. Bush had “carried a message of support to the Iraqi government.”

Mr. Maliki last met with Ayatollah Sistani in October, during a disagreement with the prime minister’s American supporters over his progress in stabilizing the country, particularly in reining in militias. A delegation of senior government officials met with the ayatollah in December.

“I came here carrying a message of Iraq and the Iraqi government,” Mr. Maliki said after the meeting. “I raised before him my viewpoints to form a government of technocrats.”

Read the rest and see why the Leftinistra cringe in the face of Victory.

TVC link to the CS Monitor: (origination MNF-Iraq)

It seems that the Spinmeisters are in full swing but we in The New Media won't allow it to go unnoticed and we will address the spin as required.

Ramadi, Iraq - Key members of Iraqi Prime Minister Nouri al-Maliki's Shiite-dominated government made a rare trip to the Sunni bastion of Anbar Province Thursday to pledge more than $120 million in reconstruction money. Iraqi and US officials call it a significant step toward political reconciliation. Critics say it's too little, too late.

Mr. Maliki did not make the trip, but dispatched top deputies who met with Sunni sheikhs, Anbar officials, US Ambassador Ryan Crocker, and Democratic presidential candidate Sen. Joseph Biden of Delaware, who was there as part of a tour through Iraq.

The overture to war-torn Anbar, long an insurgent stronghold where Sunni tribes have joined the US fight against Al Qaeda in Iraq, comes as Maliki is facing criticism from both US lawmakers and Iraq's Sunni politicians for failing to mend widening political and sectarian fault lines within the government.

While the money for Anbar – $70 million in reconstruction funds and $50 million to repair homes destroyed in the war – appears to be an Iraqi initiative, the US has been pushing Maliki to show more of an effort to reconcile with minority political parties.

Read both articles and let us know what you think.

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