Friday, September 7, 2007

Poor Reid...Iraq withdrawals "off the table": Republicans

Now what will the Chief Whiner and the man has the LOWEST approval ratings EVER do now?

His prattling on about being willing to negotiate his ramblings if he can get more Republicans on his side for an "exit strategy" has just ended in a disaster for him.

From The Victory Caucus with a link to Reuters: Spin this...

WASHINGTON (Reuters) - Leading Republicans in Congress on Thursday declared that troop withdrawal legislation should be scrapped because the United States has made significant progress in the Iraq war, just as Democrats were resuming efforts to bring soldiers home.

"It should be off the table," House Republican leader John Boehner of Ohio said of Democratic attempts to pass legislation to force President George W. Bush to withdraw some of the 168,000 U.S. troops in Iraq and wind down the combat mission there.

The Republican hardened stance followed months of speculation that September could usher in cooperation with Democrats on trying to craft a new Iraq policy. In recent months a small but growing number of Republicans have said it is time to develop a bipartisan strategy to bring troops home.

Naturally, the article has the usual Leftinistra tirades but they are falling on deaf ears...except for the wailing and gnashing of teeth from the Moonbat Fruit Loop Brigades such as Code Pinky and MoveOnDotMoron and ANSWER. Those three groups are the biggest Fruit Loop Brigades and they are growing more and more obscure.

Finally, the Silent Majority are visibly outnumbering the dolts on the left side...the wrong side...of the issues - all of them.

Don Surber

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