Tuesday, September 4, 2007

Think Digressively...Poor Slogs...UPDATED

Here come the losers with additional debunked and politically driven dribble by quoting a document replete with errors and opinions that are being espoused as fact. Opinions, when backed up with verifiable facts, can themselves become fact. Opinions, bolstered with wishful thinking, does not constitute a fact. These losers crack me up.

Catch the waves as they roll over the Leftinistra, leaving them awash in a sea of self-induced pity.

Q&O has some very well thought out conclusions and are well worth the read.

As I sit in my "death chair" pondering all that I read from the Leftinistra, one thing becomes solidly clear. The Leftinistra are in a tizzy and their spin machines are not working as well as they once did. More and more of us are catching on that the Leftinistra care about one thing and one thing only...political power. Everything else comes a distant last.

America is rising and the Conservative Tsunami is coming their way.

Ride the wave.

UPDATE: buzz at meme

The Commanders in the field seem to be taking exception to the Leftinistra/RINO politically driven GAO abortion. It seems as though the ones in the dirt think the ones fighting the dust mites in DC are as smart as they think they might be. Imagine that?

I can hardly wait for the Petraeus Slap coming in less than two weeks now.


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