Saturday, September 1, 2007

Today In History

AP Highlight in History:
On Sept. 1, 1939, World War II began as Nazi Germany invaded Poland.

Read the original AP story

Audio Link Adolf Hitler
AP Photo

1942 A federal judge in Sacramento, Calif., upheld the wartime detention of Japanese-Americans as well as Japanese nationals.
AP Photo

1951-The United States, Australia and New Zealand signed a mutual defense pact, the ANZUS treaty.

1969 A coup in Libya brought Moammar Gadhafi to power.
Please tell me that Jimmy Carter had nothing to do with it.

1981-Albert Speer, a close associate of Adolf Hitler who ran the Nazi war machine, died at a London hospital at age 76.

1983-A Korean Air Lines Boeing 747 was shot down by a Soviet jet fighter after the airliner entered Soviet airspace; 269 people were killed.
The conspiracy loons came out for this one as well.

2004-more than 1,100 people were taken hostage by heavily armed Chechen militants at a school in Beslan in southern Russia; more than 330 people, most of them children, were killed during the three-day ordeal.
Terrorists will be terrorists.

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