Saturday, September 1, 2007

45 Hours to Historic Pro-Troop Launch



Fellow Americans,

We are now just 45 hours until the kickoff of the historic pro-troop "Fight for Victory Tour." For the next 2 weeks, military families, everyday patriotic Americans and the staff of Move America Forward will travel 4,384 miles across the country in a caravan of cars, trucks, motorhomes and motorcycles to show our support for our troops and their missions in the war on terror.

We are not backed by billionaires, unlike and the coalition of anti-war/anti-victory groups who are funded by George Soros.

Instead, we in the pro-troop/pro-victory movement will band together, standing side-by-side, united by our shared belief that our troops are heroes who need our support here on the home front while they battle Islamic jihadists (Islamofascists as many people call them) half a world away.

Here's what I need of each of you in these next 45 hours:

*Help us get the word out. Contact friends, relatives and loved ones - anyone you know who believes in the missions of our troops, and get them to either join our caravan in their own vehicle for all or part of the way, and/or to show up to one of our 27 pro-troop rallies across this great nation. The complete itinerary of the caravan, including the route we will take, can be found here:

*Contact veterans groups, pro-military organizations, and patriotic organizations and get them to help us turn out crowds at each rally stop. Contact the media and urge them to cover this event. Contact talk radio hosts and implore them to help publicize this effort.

*Finally, continue to help us fund the radio, TV and Internet advertising we are currently doing to help promote these 27 pro-troop rallies, the national pro-troop caravan, and our message that we will NOT force our troops to surrender to al-Qaida and the jihadists. These ads are very, very expensive, but we must get the word out and we need to have large crowds present for when the media covers these events. You can contribute online here:

The timing of this effort is so critical - you all know this. The commander of U.S. troops in Iraq, General David Petraeus, must report to Congress by mid-September on the progress of "the surge" of U.S. troops in Iraq. We cannot allow Congress to turn their backs on General Petraeus and the men and women of the United States military.

We have the opportunity to inspire huge numbers of Americans to set aside a small amount of time to come out and publicly proclaim their support for our troops and their missions. Let's get to work to make this happen, and let's make history together - future generations need us all to take action NOW!

- Melanie Morgan
Chairman, Move America Forward

P.S. For those of you who wish to donate to the "Fight for Victory Tour" effort you can also contribute online via PayPal here:

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