Wednesday, October 24, 2007

Brain Dead Moronic Frog Turd Suckers

OK. The title of this post doesn't render true justice as to how I really feel about the the fraud preacher known by Pastor Fred Phelps of the alleged Westboro Baptist Church. Fred Phelps is a pastor of a church but it certainly is NOT a "Godly" congregation. I wouldn't be surprised if they sacrificed chickens and drank the blood of dead chickens. Hell...I wouldn't be surprised if they didn't kill the chickens first.

This group of hedonistic fools and foul birds besmirch the very name of Jesus Christ. This jerk needs to have some Prairie Justice rendered and ITS congregation placed in stockades, beaten within an inch of their lives and then soaked in a concoction of wine vinegar, sulfur and salt. Then, the pain should begin and rendered by the families of slain and wounded heroes.

Caning would be a good start...beginning with the soles of their feet.

Cat-o-nine tails would be next...applied ever so forcefully upon the fleshy parts of their backsides. EMTs would be present to revive them. Death is too good for them. Listening to the squealing would be music to my ears.

Why am I rambling so? Because of the suffering they inflict on others. They are on the OPPOSITE spectrum of other anti-American groups such as Code Pepto Dismal and the idiots of non-ANSWER.

I could pretend I was a Democrat and blame someone else for my rant...say, Michelle Malkin, for posting a link to this article here. But, seeing that I am not a cowardly imp, I will accept responsibility for my own rant, thank you very much.
The father of a Marine killed in Iraq took the stand today in his invasion of privacy suit against a fundamentalist church that pickets soldiers' funerals, saying protesters carrying signs at his son's burial made him sick to his stomach.

Albert Snyder said he had hoped for a private funeral for his son, Lance Cpl. Matthew Snyder.

"They turned this funeral into a media circus and they wanted to hurt my family," Snyder testified. "They wanted their message heard and they didn't care who they stepped over. My son should have been buried with dignity, not with a bunch of clowns outside."

[...] (read the rest on your own)

Pathetic. Simply pathetic.

The family has brought suit to this blatantly demented group claiming they are "christians". More power to them and if you would like to help, go to their web site and make arrangements to render any kind of aid you can.

God above forbid our son gives his life in the service of this country...and if that happens, God above help these people if they dare show up. Death and dying is not new to me. I am wondering if they would be willing to die for their cause.

This is the demented group's Hate website. They are even thanking their god for the California fires. This is their entry page.

I would prefer a Code Jerk group than these demented and worthless heathens. They are a cult, similar to Islam.

These idiots, like Code Pink and other groups, need to be silenced once and for all.




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