Wednesday, October 24, 2007

Here We Go Again With the Political Posturing Thing Again

OK. First off, we had Baghdad Twit Reid mouthing off that the fires burning in California is due to the global warming myth and then denying he ever said that.

Then we have Box of Quacks Boxer muttering about President Bush sending all the troops to Iraq so there aren't enough National Guard to fight the fires burning in California.

Then there was a lull in the posturing, evidently while the Leftinistra met behind closed doors to come up with some lame plan to further their ineptness and make it even more evident and prove to the American People just how inane they really have become.

Democrats huddled behind closed doors in the Capitol basement Wednesday for the unveiling of another children’s health bill they believe will win enough votes to override a White House veto.

That didn't stop the idiot reporters out in California though. Gov Schwarzenegger had to trounce some trolls asking him stupid questions in their very lame attempt to blame GWB for the fires, even though arsonists have been blamed and the "conditions" are "normal" for California this time of the year.
"Anyone that is complaining about the planes just wants to complain, because there's a bunch of nonsense," he said in the broadcast interview. "The fact is that we could have all the planes in the world here -- we have 90 aircraft here and six that we got especially from the federal government -- and they can't fly because of the wind situation."
Enter Pelosi now. Seeing that California DC politicians are scrambling to their home state and rightfully so, Pelosi and her herd of badgers are counting their folks to see if they have enough votes to get the defunct and socialistic SCHIP quagmire passed while some that voted against it are out in CA and won't be present to vote.

Republican whip Roy Blunt sends an e-mail calling foul on the timing of the vote, to be held while many California House members are home, responding to wildfires. Also take note that the Republicans have not been able to see the new bill:

Roy Blunt calls foul and now we in The New Media are calling it, well, er, uh, something else. Here is the text of the message from Mitch McConnell...Pelosi gets Blunt Slapped.
House Republican Whip Roy Blunt (Mo.) issued the following statement today after House Democrats announced they plan to push through controversial SCHIP legislation tomorrow while a number of members from southern California are back in their districts responding to the wildfires:

“The scope, scale and severity of the fires raging in southern California are of a magnitude few of us have ever seen. What’s important right now is that members from the area be given the chance to return to their districts to aid their constituents in any way they can – whether through casework, disaster relief efforts, or simply lending a hand to a neighbor in need.

“Unfortunately, the speaker announced plans today to hold an important, and contentious, vote on SCHIP while these members are confronting serious issues at home – disenfranchising, in effect, a large segment of the most populous state in the union, and throwing into doubt the integrity of the vote.

“In light of these circumstances, I would urge the speaker to reconsider her strategy and delay the vote on her SCHIP bill until a time when the interests of millions of Americans in southern California can be accurately represented. Maybe in that time Democrats will also actually consider making a copy of the bill available to Republicans.”

Well I'll be! Leave it to the brain dead doltish cads of the internationally embarrassed and ineffective jerks within the Democratic Party leadership (for lack of a better term) to sink lower than whale excrement to use this horrible tragedy for political gain.

Stealing a picture from Protein Wisdom depicting the trolls of the DNC wanna-be leaders(HA!) tells it all.

Is it ANY wonder why we in the Vast Right Wing Conspiracy Media see an all too familiar trait linking the Jihadists to the same antics of the defunct and passe Democratic Party?


Investors' Business Daily has a GREAT piece out at 0116 hours EST.
Overheated Rhetoric
California Fires: Sen. Harry Reid blames global warming. Sen. Barbara Boxer says they're President Bush's fault. Rather than participate in a civilized discussion, the Democrats' first impulse is to play politics. READ MORE

I am sure there will more to follow as soon as America wakes up.

Catch the wave

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