Friday, October 26, 2007

Chief Kook Fringe Fraud Arianna Is At It Again

Such a sore loser this one is. Was it really going there anyway? Don't you care about being green or is that just another double standard you espouse? And, how is your pal Soros doing with that quagmire WellCare? Just curious.

The title to this pathetic diatribe is, "Ending the War: Time for the Dems to Play Hardball". Cute. Little does this High Dollar Call Girl for Trolldom know, the vaunted majority is toothless and unable on top of being inept.
Taking a page from America's retailers, President Bush is getting a jump on the coming battle over Iraq war funding. On Monday, he added an additional $45.9 billion in supplemental war funding to the $150.5 billion he'd already requested, and then turned up the heat on Congress to sign off on the $196.4 billion before heading home for the holidays. Only 60 more browbeating days until Christmas!

And you have to give Bush credit. Despite record-low approval ratings, he's unabashedly playing -- and winning -- the PR game on the war. By incrementally adding to his funding request, he made his ongoing plundering of our treasury to pursue his disastrous Iraq policy seem relatively modest. The headlines all focused on the $46 billion he's just added to the tab -- not the $196 billion he's really after.


The remaining rant of double standard having rant of ignorance is good for a guffaw or two.

The Leftinistra whine and complain and distract from the FACT that the fundings needed for the troops is in limbo as they feign to be supporting the troops, regardless how the troops feel about wanting to complete their mission. Some support.

Supporting the troops without supporting the mission is like supporting firefighters but not supporting them distinguishing the blaze. Kind of stupid, that.

Disastrous Iraq policy, AirHeadyAnna? Which one? The uphill climb one or the one that is winning? Oh. Wait. The one we are WINNING is the "disastrous one", correct? It means doom and gloom for your fellow anti-Americanists, correct?

And, the low approval ratings of GWB? The one that is TWICE the size of your beloved and vaunted majority of fellow idiots in the Dishonorable Halls of CONgress? Those approval ratings?

Let's see. The WORSE approval ratings of CONgress in the history of this Nation is due to the backwards thinking (progressive) of the DEMOCRATIC PARTY lead CONgress and, that is blamed on GWB. Well, naturally. Especially when you and your kind are incapable of accepting the consequences of your actions. It is ALWAYS someone else or something else to bame.

Just the other day, one of your fellow whiners and anti-Americanists and Soros boot-lickers wrote a piece saying how "left" the country is. Curious that, eh? Then why is it impossible for your beloved progressives 9read that socialists) to pass anything? Why is that? And, why are "right" talk radio shows succeeding like there is no tomorrow whereas the "left" talk shows fail? Why is that?

Here is a clue, one of substance is paying any attention to your kind anymore, plain and simple. Especially, now that we in The New Media defeat you and your kind at every turn.

Good luck in that Abyss of Obscurity. I hope you get a seat right next to Pelosi.

Ask yourself this question and see what you come up with. Why is it that in the heart of the anti-Americanist heartland of the San Francisco Bay area, the #1 radio show is the morning show at KFSO, a CONSERVATIVE radio show?

We at TOCB will be waiting for your trolls to come and answer with facts and substantiation.

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