Friday, October 19, 2007

Foolishness and Senator Reid...Synonymous Terms

The retarded letter to 'destroy" El Rushbo has raised millions to benefit True American Heroes.

OK. The Reid Letter. Seeing that ReidCos' constituency in his own state of Nevada cannot stomach the thought of the ignorant fool, he continues to revel in obscurity by taking credit for the $2,100,1000.00 letter intended to sink Rush. Rush has matched the $2,100,100.00 raised bringing the total to $4,200,200.00 being donated to the families of Marines and First Responders that have given their lives in the name of God, Country and Flag.

The only thing, in this regard, that Dingy Harry can remotely take credit for is his own personal stupidity. He needs to fire his public relations morons. He and they or both together, tried to make an issue out of a non-issue for retaliation of the failed and internationally embarrassing of the Soros funded MoveOn ad which backfired and got the proponents thereof filthy dirty.

Reid needs to retire into the Abyss of Obscurity before we throw him into it.

El Rushbo had this to say to address Reid's "udder" and blatant ignorance:

"There's a way to translate Harry Reid's Senate floor speech today: 'Rush, you win.'"

"Senator Reid, let me be clear about this one more time: it wasn't your letter that raised this money -- it was your abuse of power."

"Harry Reid said, 'We didn't have time, or we could have gotten every Senator to sign the letter.' Just write another letter and have the remaining senators sign it -- we'll put it back on eBay and do it all over again!"
Reid, is a moron. Instead of apologizing to the American people for the failed attempt of "censoring" a PRIVATE citizen for speaking his mind about a verified and confirmed phony soldier, the tiny-minded flake tries to employ the usual troll distraction technique and passing the blame of failure onto someone or something else.

Personal responsibility to trolls like ReidCo is an alien concept. They talk the talk but are incapable of walking the walk.

Others blogging and writing on this subject:
Captain's Quarters
Hot Air
Wake Up America
Neocon News
Sweetness and Light
The Liars at the KOSmonoffs
Don Surber
El Rushbo

Catch The Wave

ReidCo's pathetic email to gain support for his own tail-spinning ignorance is here.

El Rushbo knows how to apply Maxwell's Silver Hammer.

Simply amazing. here we are in the middle of a war for our survival as a nation and idiots like Reid try every day and at every opportunity to ensure our defeat.

That is as unAmerican as anyone can GET AND YES, I DO CHALLENGE THEIR PATRIOTISM!!

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