Monday, October 29, 2007

The Hollyweird Anti-Americanists Feeling the Crunch

Here's the line-up...the Hollyweirders aren't paying attention...or, they are and are desperately trying to undo Good News.

Notice to have been outed as dumber than case and grosses of turtle turds.

We find that in recent days, OBL confirms what we have known for quite some time...he has lost Iraq. He even admitted that fact unless, that wasn't OBL but the fact remains still...Iraq is lost as Reid so stupidly said a few months ago trying to bolster his friend OBL.

Ramadi is now a bright spot with Americans being freely invited into many homes.

Karbala will be handed over to the Iraqis soon.

All that Good News PLUS so much more and Hollyweird wonders why their Anti-America anti-war movies are a fumbling flop in the box office. The Doom and Gloom and America Sucks rhetoric is falling on deaf ears, thanks to the United States Military an the New Media being their Voices From The War.
It doesn't matter how many Oscar winners are in front of or behind the camera — audiences are proving to be conscientious objectors when it comes to this fall's surge of antiwar and anti-Bush films.

Both "In the Valley of Elah" and, more recently, "Rendition" drew minuscule crowds upon their release, which doesn't bode well for the ongoing stream of films critical of the Iraq war and the Bush administration's wider war on terror.

"Rendition," which features three Oscar winners in key roles, grossed $4.1 million over the weekend in 2,250 screens for a ninth-place finish. A re-release of "The Nightmare Before Christmas" beat it, and it's 14 years old.


Dear Hollyweird...get some new material. Your trolls are running out of ammo.

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